Bradley Teo

CS @ Carnegie Mellon

About Me

Hi, I’m Bradley, currently a junior studying Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. I’m interested in a wide variety of fields in CS, and I’ve had experience working on a range of projects, including data analytics, AI/ML and software development.


Resume (PDF)


Carnegie Mellon University

Bachelor's in Computer Science

Aug 2020

Raffles Institution

Singapore-Cambridge GCE A Levels

2012 – 2017

Work Experience


Software Engineering Intern

May – Aug 2022

CMU CS Academy

Software Engineering Intern

May – Aug 2021

GIC Pte Ltd (Systematic Investment Group)

Quantitative Credit Intern

Mar – Jul 2020

TinkerTanker Pte Ltd


Feb – Apr 2018

Projects & Coursework

Under Construction

CMU Course Tool
Tool for browsing courses at CMU
TartanHacks Discord Bot
Discord Bot for the TartanHacks 2022 Discord Channel
Personal Website
This website, built with Next + React and TailwindCSS.
HackCMU 2020: CMU Schedule Planner
A schedule planner that generates reasonable studying schedules.
Waves Explorable
An explorable explanation about waves.
A game for teaching Organic Chemistry nomenclature.
Ludum Dare Games
Participated in Ludum Dare, a 48-hour game development competition.

Contact Me

bradleyteowj (at)
bradleyt (at)